Join us for an Encore performance of the Dr. Mary Neal Episode on Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 1pm EST!
About Episode 3 - Eben Alexander III, MD
Eben Alexander III, MD served as an Academic Neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at Boston Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Then in 2008 he fell into a deep coma, caused by E. Coli Spinal Meningitis. Every part of his brain ceased to function. With less than a 3% chance of survival, Eben traveled for 7 days to a beautiful and amazing place. When he miraculously recovered, his journey was confirmed through an emotionally shocking revelation.

Join the upcoming IANDS 2023 Annual Conference!
For more information and to register for the upcoming IANDS 2023 Annual Conference in Washington, DC, August 30th to September 3rd, CLICK HERE.
Reviews of Episode 3 - Eben Alexander III, MD
Great job!... By and large this looks quite good…It is a reasonable depiction of the journey given the extreme ultra-reality of the experience itself, which is so challenging to convey! It does include the major details of the experience in a way that optimally conveys the simplicity and beauty of my near-death experience.Eben Alexander III, MD
Unbelievable! Very well done. Love it. So hopeful and inspiring. Thank you for doing this.Doug Butts - EVP Programming, INSP
This is one video that you won't want to miss! Powerful evidence is presented for life after death that can inform and inspire your life. Physicians who nearly died and had near-death experiences share their remarkable stories. Their accounts are gripping and inspirational. I enthusiastically recommend this exceptional video as essential to everyone interested in near-death experiences and the question of an afterlife.Dr. Jeffrey Long - Oncologist, Director of NDERF, Author of two New York Times bestsellers: Evidence of the Afterlife, and God and the Afterlife
This film is exceptional. Through well chosen dialogue and exceptional cinematography, it accurately and effortlessly moves from this world to the afterlife, showing how Eben Alexander, MD, an agnostic neurosurgeon, with a life dedicated to science and medicine, was transformed by his own NDE from God's immense, indescribable love. There could hardly be a more persuasive, compelling film. Motion picture quality filming, combined with the accurate detail of the best documentaries. Exceptional in every way.Martin Tanner - JD, Vice Pres. IANDS
Todd and his team have completed yet another excellent episode that shares a complex NDE without imposing a preconceived agenda. Eben Alexander’s NDE is told accurately, with the beauty of the artist renditions and the music pulling us deeper into the story. Well done!Dr. Mary Neal - Orthopedic Surgeon
See what everyone is saying about the Life Beyond Death Series!
About the NDE Files
Survey Professionals around the world say the top five most trusted professions in the world are Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, Teachers and First Responders. Join us as we examine how these trusted individuals dealt with the single most traumatic event that changed their lives forever…their own deaths. This is their story of Life Beyond Death from the NDE Files.
This new series about Near Death Experiences uses artist renditions and animations to dramatically demonstrate each NDE in ways never seen before in a television program.
Episode 1 - Dr. Mary Neal
Dr. Mary Neal was an Orthopedic Spinal Surgeon and an experienced whitewater kayaker when she drowned in 1999 on the Fuy River in Chile.
Episode 2 - Dr. Rajiv Parti
Dr. Rajiv Parti died while undergoing surgery, was cautioned by his father at the edge of Hell and met with two Archangels and the Angel of Light.
Currently Seeking Funding
Episode 3 - Eben Alexander III, MD
Eben Alexander III, MD served as an Academic Neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at Boston Brigham and...
Episode 4 - Professor/Pastor Howard Storm
Professor Howard Storm was an Atheist, Artist, Professor and Chairman of the Art Department for Northern Kentucky University, when in 1985 he died at a hospital in Paris France.

Hi Folks!
My name is Todd Hewey. I’m the Creator and Producer of the television series Life Beyond Death from the NDE Files. Thank you for showing interest in this dynamic, emotionally charged, animated anthology about highly educated and scientifically minded individuals who have had extraordinary Near Death Experiences that dramatically changed their lives forever.
I also hope that you can help us directly, by donating what you can to complete the last episode for this ongoing anthology of life-changing Near Death Experience stories.
Enjoy the teaser trailers for Epsiode-1, Epsiode-3 and Episode-4. You can also watch the more-detailed 16-minute “Torch” video that comprises sections from all three completed episodes.
We need to raise $135,000 to finish Episode-2. Then we can license the series to networks interested in this subject, which will open even more opportunities to fund additional Near Death Experience stories.
If any of you have interest in exploring “for-profit funding options” to help us complete this series, please contact me, Todd Hewey, at You can also reach me through the Inspiration Switchboard 803-578-1000.
Thank you for your interest and financial support for this important life-changing project.

©2023 All Rights Reserved. AnswerQuest Entertainment
All funds donated to the Life Beyond Death documentary series will only be used exclusively for the production and promotion of this project. Contact information from those who donate to the Life Beyond Death series will only be used to contact each contributor with news updates about the series.